Business Development / 4 posts found

Natural salesmen

Selling is only dirty if you’re faking it

by Iyas
Technology consultants (and for that matter, most subject matter experts in most domains) tend not to be great at selling. We congratulate ourselves on the "consultative sell", but it only merits the name if there's actually a sale at the end of it. All too often, consultants (and consultants who go on to found companies) do really well with the credibility-building, but not the sale. If you own a tech consultancy, then you need to get on with the selling, and better channel the ability of your…
Growing a consultancy is hard without being noticed

The 3 Key Things That Leaders of Successful Consultancies Focus On

by Iyas
Growing a consulting or agency business is all about engaging in multiplicative activities. That means stepping out of delivery, not diving into accounts or ops, but focusing all your effort on how you can scale your sales, your delivery, and your culture. Here's a lot more detail on what that means in practice.
Rusty skills

Have your skills gone rusty since you started your consultancy?

by Iyas
Are you worried that your technical or design skills have gone rusty since you started running your consultancy or agency? Rusty Skills Syndrome is more common than you'd think for founders and leaders of consultancies and agencies. Here's what to do about it.
Our Consulting USP

How do we articulate our consulting USP?

by Iyas
You need a USP for your consulting business, right? Wrong. Consulting USPs are great if you naturally have them, but spending time creating one is a waste of time. Our advice - stop trying to create one if doesn't leap out at you, and focus your efforts on the things that actually make a difference to your clients.